Subject: Re: Re: Opinions on OpenBSD??
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/12/2002 12:24:12
I guess NetBSD-centric answers will have to do since I haven't seen any activity from the OpenBSD mailing list. :) I did finally get OpenBSD installed after getting past the pesky SCSI read/write error #5 thing. I suppose I'll mess around with it and if I feel like I need to try something else NetBSD will be next (I already had the OpenBSD packages downloaded).


You Wrote:

On Tue, Nov 12, 2002 at 02:28:18AM -0600, wrote:
> I'm attempting to get OpenBSD going on this SE/30, but so far I
> have found a lot more information from the NetBSD pages (I suppose
> since it has been around on Macs for a while longer). I would
> imagine they are pretty similar, but are there any distinct
> advantages/disadvantages to either distribution? I'm not doing
> anything serious with this machine, just curious what you guys think..

Well, you're asking on a NetBSD list, so you should expect that in
general you'll get NetBSD-centric answers...
