Subject: Re: install NetBSD on quadra 630 or newbie to port-mac68k
To: <>
From: Nigel Pearson <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/18/2002 14:04:55
On Friday, October 18, 2002, at 01:34  PM, wrote:
>>> I am trying to install NetBSD 1.6 on a Quadra 630. I would like to 
>>> turn it
>>> into router. Anyway, I have been running into some problems. First 
>>> of all,
>>> is there doc on how to install NetBSD on a Mac with an IDE hard 
>>> drive?
>>> Does anyone know what ethernet cards are compatible with NetBSD? The 
>>> FAQs
>>> seem to be a little bit vague in this area. The reason why I am 
>>> asking is
>>> because with the ethernet card that's in it now the kernel is 
>>> recognizing
>>> the card at boot up, but it seems to crash if I try to use it. Could
>>> anyone give a reason as to why this is happening?
> It is an Apple ethernet CS AAUI card 630-0736-B (CommSlot), and the
> chipset is Sonic (DP83916VNF-LP). NetBSD 1.6 seems to configure the 
> card
> at bootup.

	I think that problem was reported a few months ago:

> From: "roe koe" <>
> Date: Tue Aug 20, 2002  5:13:58  AM Australia/Sydney
> To:
> Cc:,
> Subject: Re: comms slot ethernet lc 630
> I'm sorry, but I believe that what I previously stated is not correct. 
> It looks as if de com-slot Ethernet card keeps it's initialization 
> over restarts. That's why I kept the comm-slot ethernet connection up 
> and running under different apple talk configurations. However after 
> really shutting down the machine, the needed initialization of de card 
> disappeared and disabled the the comm-slot connection under NetBSD. To 
> get the connection up once more, I had to reinstall apple talk and 
> choose a network. This is more or less the behaviour that was stated 
> here in a previous message.
> The booter-app hangs when I startup NetBSD with apple talk installed. 
> This means that I have to boot into Mac OS to choose an apple talk 
> network, deactivate apple talk and boot into NetBSD. From then on the 
> interface keeps working as long as I don't shut the machine down; 
> rebooting causes no problem then, apparently.

	I am still working out how to hack the Booter to shut down AppleTalk.

| Nigel Pearson,   | "People say I'm strange, 
does it
| Telstra iDevelopments, Sydney Australia |        make me a stranger?
|   Office: 8255 4222    Fax:  8255 3153  |  My best friend was born
|   Mobile: 0408 664435  Home: 9792 6998  |         in a manger"    -DC 