Subject: Hardware Donations
To: None <>
From: RichCreations <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/17/2002 11:44:04
I have a lot of old 68k macintoshes, that are collecting dust, I would
like to donate them to the netbsd project, if they are of any use.

I use netbsd, on a couple of old macs, and a couple old sun sparcs, and I
like netbsd a lot, as I can do a lot with very old hardware. My website is
hosted on a Sun Sparc Classic, running netbsd and apache,bind,ftpd.
Works Great...

Anyway, I would like to donate some 68k mac hardware, some of it is
supported by netbsd, others are not. below is a partial list of what I
have, all of the computers are fully functional except that a few may need
new pram batteries. some have network cards, some have built in ethernet,
others do not, but parts can be swaped around if need be, I have a few
comslot and nubus ethernet cards that work in most of the systems. If
there is anything on the list that would be of help let me know, and if
you want something 68kmac that is not on the list, ask me, as I have a lot
more stuff.

I have several LC and Performa machines, all different. some are '030 and
some are lc040, I know that the lc040 macs are not supported becouse of a
bug, but you may wan't them anyway. the '030 are supported, some even have
netbsd already installed

I also have several Qudra '040 machines, I belive they are, 600, 800, 950
types, again the 950 is not supported, but I hope that some day it will

I also have some other stuff, keyboards, mice, monitors, printers,
externial scsi cd rom drives, and externial scsi harddrives(not very big).
pluss a big pile of cables(mac stuff)

If the Netbsd/68kmac project can use any of this, please let me know.
P.S. I do not want a tax break, just want to keep my macs out of the
landfill. I can ship via UPS, and I live in the berkeley CA area, so if
they are going someware in the bayarea, I can deliver them free,
otherwise, I will pay the shipping if I have to.