Subject: Re: Newbie Mac IIsi questions
To: None <>
From: Hauke Fath <hauke@Espresso.Rhein-Neckar.DE>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/25/2002 20:49:26
At 21:03 Uhr -0700 24.8.2002, Cathryn L. Kliegel^W^W^WJames wrote:

>For my amusement I have a Mac IIsi running NetBSD and want to see how
>functional I can make it. So far I have recompiled and installed a new
>kernel, and configured it to be happy stand alone on the net. I have a
>static IP address, a domain name, and DSL.
>So the points where I am stuck at the moment are:
>1) A web brouser. I have installed lynx from the pkgsrc, but am unhappy
>with it. Both the netscape and mozilla pkgsrc compiles barf and say they
>dont support mac68k. What do you use?

Nothing, on a IIsi. There is a mozilla 0.8.1 binary package on (a Mac IIsi, btw ;), but
it runs with glacial speed even on a 68040/33. Netscape is not available on

>2) DNS. I had a simple system up with resolv.conf and it worked. I tried
>to setup DNS and it killed my system. Turned it off and it worked. Am
>looking into this.

"Killed" in what sense? runs BIND just fine.

>3) Email. Sendmail did not seem to work, it may need DNS to be happy. Am
>trying to get qmail up. Any suggestions? runs sendmail just fine. Modify a generic .mc file in
/usr/share/sendmail/cf, look into the Makefile, make and cp
/etc/mail/ Then /etc/rc.d/sendmail restart and you're set.

>4) Color X11R6. Is there support for internal Mac IIsi video? Would you
>like me to put it there? How would I get started?

No colours on intvid displays with NetBSD/mac68k, unfortunately, only 8 bit
greyscale (640x480).


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