Subject: New Booter ( 2.0.0b11 )
To: NetBSD-Mac68k <>
From: Nigel Pearson <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/22/2002 17:35:23
Booter 2.0.0b11 now available @

This version offers better compatibility with sysinstalled disks,
but in all other ways is identical to the previous ELF test version,

| Nigel Pearson,    | "Reality is that which,   |
| Telstra iDevelopments, Sydney, Australia |  when you stop believing  |
|   Office: 9206 3468    Fax:  9212 6329   |  in it, doesn't go away." |
|   Mobile: 0408 664435  Home: 9792 6998   |  Philip K. Dick - 'Valis' |