Subject: Re: Sonnet Presto
To: None <>
From: Marco van de Voort <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/12/2002 21:39:02
[[ to the group this time :-)]
> At 11:42 AM -0400 7/11/02, Marco van de Voort wrote:
> >Machine: IIci 32 MB Radius 24AC + accellerator (see below
> >Software: NetBSD 1.5.2  booter 1.11.4a3
> >
> >I received my Sonnet Presto 040 last week, (to hopefully be faster than
> >the Daystar 030/050 which does work btw), but I haven't gotten it to work.
> >
> >Did somebody already try this (I'm aware of the 040 in a 030 warning)
> I recall that when I tried an 040 accelerator on a IIci some time ago it
> had problems. I think it might have something to do with the way the
> machine maps part of the DRAM for video memory for the internal video. I
> forget if using internal video instead of the video card made it go away,
> though. Anyway, give that a whirl.

I already tried the external video. (the Radius card), and also without.

The only difference is that with the Radius, one gets some "error -17"

> I think the problem stems from the fact that the way the DRAM is mapped for
> video changes when you put in an 040 accelerator and NetBSD can't deal with
> this condition. Also, when you don't use internal video, I think the
> machine changes the memory map and this may be different when running under
> the accelerator.

It seems to depend on the driver software. Since one of them is called
"virtual 040", maybe it turns on virtual mem, outside the control panel
> >- Is there any hope in getting the Presto running?
> Possibly, but it would seem that NetBSD would have to know that it was
> booting a IIci with the accelerator and adjust the way it deals with video
> RAM or adjust its understanding of where stuff is mapped.

I can generate any rapports, and even provide network access to the booted
machine (with extensions disabled)
> Anyway, that's my idea. :-) I could be wrong. If you know how to hack a
> kernel, it might be worth a try to see if you can fix this.

That is beyond me I'm afraid. I'm still struggeling to learn m68k and PPC
assembler for our compiler development (partially running on m68k already!).

I can read C somewhat, but I'm not a trained C programmer, let alone on a
driver/kernel level.