Subject: Re: reporting problems with 1.6beta
To: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
From: Tom Jernigan <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/11/2002 10:41:11
Sorry, that shows you what a unix dummy I am. I did use pkgsrc, I was
trying to say I didn't try to install it by pkg_add.
Here's the /usr/sup/current/when.pksrc file out (I still haven't
figured out how to translate to a date and time I can read):
(If those are seconds, it must have started counting about 30 years ago)
At 1:23 PM -0400 7/11/02, gabriel rosenkoetter wrote:
>(Sorry to not reply to the actual message, but I bumped 'd' one too
>many times in mutt before hitting '$').
>Problems with NetBSD should be reported through send-pr(1) or by
>filing a report on the GNATS DB web page (see
> This would
>probably belong in the toolchain category.
>But are you sure this isn't actually a known issue? Have you tried
>pkgsrc/print/cups rather than compiling from vanilla source? pkgsrc
>includes a lot of localization patches for known differences between
>a vendor's source and what's actually needed for NetBSD (usually for
>portability--or lack thereof on the vendor's part--reasons). Some
>times the vendor accepts these packages and they appear in a later
>release, some times they don't.
>gabriel rosenkoetter
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Tom Jernigan,
presently at General Atomics in San Diego, Bldg 13/551
Phone (858) 455-4122, FAX (858)455-4515