Subject: Random Illegal instruction while running 1.5.2 on IIci
To: Mailing List NetBSD mac68k <>
From: Eric Masson <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/03/2002 15:49:10
I've installed stock 1.5.2 on a IIci (16MB ram, freshly bought) :
The box randomly throws 'illegal instruction' exceptions once the kernel
has been loaded.
I've googled about this behaviour and it seems it could be related with
fpu emulation (doh, there's a 68882 in this box)
The problem stills on a second IIci with 64 MB freshly bought ram, with
or without the cache card.
I'm out of idea atm, any thoughts ?
Eric Masson
JR> Le progrès. Maintenant sur CD à dos de chameau. Quel protocole?
La détection de collision. Si deux chameaux se téléscopent, on
retransmet un kangourou.
-+- JYB in <> : C'est cha mot pout mot -+-