Subject: Re: sysinst
To: Bob Nestor <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/27/2002 08:50:25
On Thu, 27 Jun 2002, Bob Nestor wrote:
> The latest version of sysinst patches for the mac68k port and
> Installation Kernels are available for testing at:
> These include the DHCP patches, fixes for fs_passno in fstab, partitions
> without mount points and some minor changes in how mount points are
> processed.
Another nit that I'm sure is in the MI part, that you might want to
take a look at... If you specify the directory for getting the sets
from via "ftp" with a trailing slash, you get an incomprehensible
error from "ftp" about "XCWD with an empty directory" and "RFC
compliance". It would be kinder of "sysinstall" to just drop the
trailing slash, and perhaps warn about it.