Subject: Re: NetBSD install question - annoying newbie type
To: Cameron Kaiser <>
From: Chris Bartlett <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/22/2002 19:55:27
>Actually, good news on both fronts. CompUSA still sells ADB mice, though at
>confiscatory prices, and so does Fry's (they sell either/both of the
>Kensington or MacALLY mice, which work fine on classic Macs). Fry's also
>regularly carries the AAUI-to-10baseT transceivers, but again the price is
>kind of steep. Still, they continue to be readily available new, and
>they're oozing out of the woodwork at the local swap meets around here.

The local (to me) CompUSAs (4 of them) stopped carrying ADB mice a while 
back. And haven't carried AAUI to 10b-T transceivers in years. The last 
time they had them was back in the early PPC days (7 or so years ago). 
CompUSA is the only computer store to speak of around here if you want to 
find anything Mac. (there are two Apple stores local, but as would be 
expected, they only seem to carry the cutting edge stuff).

I have also found that mail order, the only reasonably priced 
transcievers ($20 range)... well, you get what you pay for. They don't 
work long term. So I have found it better to buy them from swap meets 
when you can get a good deal on quality units (I bought 10 Farallon ones 
some time back from a guy, $5 each. Figured I would stock up so I 
wouldn't have to locate them again).

At least you can still get 3rd party ADB mice mail order new for $20 or 
so (although, I would still rather get them from a swap meet for $5 for a 
used Apple one).
