Subject: Re: NetBSD install question - annoying newbie type
To: Chris Bartlett <>
From: Cameron Kaiser <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/22/2002 08:58:07
> That is an AAUI port. You will need a transceiver to connect that to your 
> ethernet network. I will almost promise you that no computer store will 
> carry a transceiver for AAUI to anything (it is different than the 
> standard AUI transceivers).
> And finding an ADB mouse even at a store that sells mac stuff, is going 
> to be difficult. All they seem to sell these days is USB mice.

Actually, good news on both fronts. CompUSA still sells ADB mice, though at
confiscatory prices, and so does Fry's (they sell either/both of the
Kensington or MacALLY mice, which work fine on classic Macs). Fry's also
regularly carries the AAUI-to-10baseT transceivers, but again the price is
kind of steep. Still, they continue to be readily available new, and
they're oozing out of the woodwork at the local swap meets around here.

----------------------------- personal page: --
 Cameron Kaiser, Point Loma Nazarene University *
-- You've got to have a gimmick if your band sucks. -- Gary Giddens -----------