Subject: BIND config troubles...
To: None <>
From: Ronald P. Pfister <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/11/2002 13:32:52
Dear all:

I'm new to this list, but I've used NetBSD mac68k on some Quadras for a
while now - so far mainly to test reliability and to feel things out. Now
I'd like to get serious, and use two machines as public DNS and backup mail

I have spent much time trying to get BIND going, but I just can't get it to
work. I'd like to add that I have BIND running on Mac OS X fine, so my
config and zone files ought to be OK.

When issuing "ndc -d start"  (as root), I always get the following response:

ndc: error: ctl_client: evConnect(fd 3): No such file or directory
ndc: error: cannot connect to command channel (/var/run/ndc)
ndc: error: pid not valid or server not running
ndc: error: name server has not started (yet?)

Thereafter, named runs but doesn't resolve anything. When trying to launch
nslookup, I get the follwing response:

*** Can't find server name for address No response from

where is the correct IP-address of the box...

Any ideas?

