Subject: Re: Darwin SWIM3 Floppy Driver v0.95
To: <>
From: Emile Schwarz <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/06/2002 15:16:15
8.1 and 040...
7.6 and 030 with 8 MB of RAM (minimum)
"Daniel R. Killoran,Ph.D." wrote:
> >Will Mac OS 9 even run on any 68k? (I thought not... I certainly
> >wouldn't *want* to run anything beyond about 7.6, but I haven't
> >tried.)
> 8.1 will run on an 040, but nothing higher will. I don't think
> anything over 7.5.5, or maybe 7.6 will work on an 030. I have a Mac
> IIx running 7.5.5
> Dan Killoran