Subject: Re: Darwin SWIM3 Floppy Driver v0.95
To: Bill Studenmund <>
From: Hauke Fath <hauke@Espresso.Rhein-Neckar.DE>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/05/2002 08:15:34
At 14:59 Uhr -0700 4.6.2002, Bill Studenmund wrote:
>On Tue, 4 Jun 2002, David A. Gatwood wrote:
>> Would you like documentation?  :-)
>Yes please.


>> What I have: IWM, SWIM, SWIM II, and SWIM III ERS docs, an old 6502
>> assembly driver for IWM (with comments), and probably some other stuff,
>> but I'll need to go through it and see how much of that I can send, since
>> third party hardware docs could be involved.  Basically, it's about a 3"
>> 3-ring binder full of really crusty old docs.
>> I just spoke with someone in Apple Legal, and got clearance to make a copy
>> and mail it to someone.  I just need to know to whom I should send it.
>> (If you need to make copies for a small number of people, that's okay, but
>> I can only send out one copy for obvious cost reasons. :-)  Talk amongst
>> yourselves.

Ohh, how I have waited for this moment...   ;)

>Can you fax it? i.e. are the pages in good-enough condition to survive a
>fax send? high resolution would probably be best.. :-)
>If so I'll get you my fax number and get them put up somewhere in the
>NetBSD (or MacBSD) web site(s).

Thanks, David, for making this possible. I would definitely like a copy,
too (at least of the IWM/SWIM/SWIM II docs).

Since the cost of shipping the stack overseas is probably prohibitive, I
would appreciate some kind of electronic distribution. Thanks, Bill, for
stepping forward here.


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/ \  Respect for open standards                    -- Benjamin Franklin, 1759