Subject: Re: Trouble in 1.6BETA1ville... (05/28 build)
To: Frederick Bruckman <>
From: dakidd <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/31/2002 09:15:10
At 04:05 -0700 05/31/2002, Frederick Bruckman wrote:
>On Wed, 29 May 2002, dakidd wrote:
>> We recommend creating a non-root account and using su(1) for root access.
>> # /sbin/mount -uKernel FPU trap.
>> trap type 16, code =3D 0x0, v=3D0x0
>What it means is that 1) the PowerBook170 has no FPU (Right?)
Based on (1) My memory of physically eyeballing the 68882 chip on the
bottom side of the processor board when I installed it, (2) The fact that
TechTool (and similar programs) claim that it does indeed have an FPU (See
the bottom of this message for a pasted TechTool report on the machine),
and (3) The refusal of SoftFPU to load (accompanied by the message
"Hardware FPU already installed") I'm pretty much forced to go with the
response "Wrong" here.
> and 2)
>something tried to execute an "fmul" instrustion in interrupt context.
I'll have to take your word for that part. I have no idea.
>One possibility is bad memory, but you've said that 1.4.3. works fine.
Mostly fine, anyway... There was that lockup issue I had, which was
suspected to be happening sometime during the "daily" script, that I never
did pin down, but that was a single-syptom lockup: The machine simply
ceased responding to anything. No messages, no panic, no trap, no nothing.
Just a rock-solid "the only way you're getting out of this is by cycling
the power" lockup that gave no indication the machine was dead until I
tried to type something and got no response.
TechTool Pro tells me that memory is fine in all the tests I've run against
it, so I'm assuming bad RAM isn't a factor.
>Another is a bug. "objdump" shows a lot of floating point instructions
>in a GENERIC kernel, but they're all limited to the "FPSP" module
>(which is for 68040's). One thing I'm still trying to understand:
>".../mac68k/vectors.s" loads the FPSP functions into the vector table
>if "options FPSP" is in the kernel config. How can this ever be
>correct for a no-fpu-at-all machine?
Now you're talking *WAY* beyond where I am :)
=46WIW, since sending that message, I've tried several boots, and after
I-lost-count-how-many attempts, finally managed to get one to let me do the
mount command, twiddle the rc.conf file, and boot into multi-user mode. Now
I'm having panics very similar to the one I transcribed, happening
seemingly at random. While the one that was killing mount was "predictable"
in that it was happening while trying to enter the first command after a
boot, these aren't. There's no obviously visible pattern to them. I'm
beginning to wonder about something thermal-related, perhaps. But I suspect
I'm probably grasping at straws with that.
Anyway, here's the TechTool report I mentioned.
********** TechTool=81 System Information Report **********
=A91994-95 MicroMat Computer Systems
All Rights Reserved
=46or more information on MicroMat Utilities and
Hardware products, call for our free Catalog.
800-829-6227 : Toll Free
707-837-8012 : International
707-837-0209 : FAX
707-837-0444 : Technical Support
Machine Type: PB 170
CPU Type: MC68030
=46PU Type: 68882
MMU Type: 68030 Built-in
QuickDraw Version: 32-bit Color v1.3
Keyboard Type: PowerBook ADB
TextEdit Version: TextWidthHook Available
Time Manager Version: Extended Manager Present
System Version: 7.5.5
ROM Version: $067C
ROM Size: 1,048,576
Appletalk Version: 60
Component Manager Version: 4
Text Services Manager Version: 1
Communication Toolbox Version: 7.5.0
Size of Low Memory Area: 8,192
Physical RAM Size: 8,388,608
Logical RAM Size: 8,387,328
OS Trap Table Base: $00000400
Toolbox Trap Table Base: $00000E00
Script Manager Version: 7.5.0
Number of Active Script Systems: 1
Addressing Mode: 32-bit Mode Active
Addressing Mode: 32-bit Compatible System Zone
Addressing Mode: 32-bit Capable
Alias Manager: Is Present
Alias Manager: Knows about Remote Appletalk
Connection Manager: Is Present
Connection Manager: Fix to CMAddSearch
Connection Manager: Has CMGetErrorString()
Connection Manager: Has Multi-Async IO
Comm Resource Manager: Is Present
Comm Resource Manager: Fix for Persistent Tools
Comm Resource Manager: Has Tool Resource Calls
Database Access Manager: Is Present
AppenDITL Calls From CTB: Are Present
Edition Manager: Is Present
Apple Events: Is Present
=46older Manager: Is Present
=46ont Manager: Outline Fonts Supported
=46ont Manager: Disk Cached Fonts Available
=46ile System: Has HFSDispatch Dispatcher
=46ile System: Has FSSpec Calls
=46ile System: Has a File System Manager
=46ile Transfer Manager: Is Present
=46ile Transfer Manager: Supports FTSend and FTReceive
=46ile Transfer Manager: Supports FTGetErrorString
Hardware: VIA1 Exists
Hardware: VIA2 Exists
Hardware: Apple Sound Chip Exists
Hardware: SCC Exists
Hardware: SCSI Exists
Hardware: Has IWM
Hardware: Capable of Software Power Off
Hardware: Has Universal ROM
Help Manager: Is Present
Miscellaneous: Scrolling Throttle On
Miscellaneous: Square Menu Bar
Standard NBP: Is Present
Notification Manager: Is Present
Operating System: System Heap is Growable
Operating System: Can Return from Launch
Operating System: Can Launch from Full File Spec
Operating System: Launch Control Support
Operating System: Temp Memory Supprt
Operating System: Real Temp Memory Handles
Operating System: Tracked Temp Memory Handles
Operating System: IPC Support is Present
Operating System: System Debugger Support
Power Manager: Exists
Power Manager: CPU Idle
Power Manager: SCC
Power Manager: Sound
PPC Toolbox: Is Present
PPC Toolbox: Will Deny Incoming Network Requests
PPC Toolbox: Supports Real-Time Delivery
Quickdraw Features: Has Color Quickdraw
Quickdraw Features: GWorlds Deeper than 1-bit
Quickdraw Features: PixMaps Direct (16 or 32 bit)
Quickdraw Features: Text Mode grayishTextOr
Popup cdef: Is Present
Resource Manager: Partial Resources Exist
Serial: GPIa Connected to DCDa
Serial: GPIa Connected to RTxCa Clock Input
Serial: GPIb Connected to DCDb
Sound: Hardware has Stereo Capability
Sound: Stereo Mixing on External Speaker
Sound: Sound I/O Manager Present
Sound: Built-in Input Hardware Present
Sound: Input Device Available
Sound: Built-in can Play and Record Simultaneously
Sound: Play Double Buffer
Sound: Multiple Channel Support
Sound: 16-bit Audio Data Supported
Standard File: Has StandPutFile-CustomGetFile
Terminal Manager: Is Present
Terminal Manager: Error String Capable
Dictionary Manager: Is Present
Icon Utilities: Is Present
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
SCSI Device ID: 0
Volume Name: NetBSD
Mount Result: Normal
Volume Status: Volume Busy
SFW Write Attribute: Not Locked
HDW Write Attribute: Not Locked
Number of Files: 245
Number of Folders: 32
=46iles in Root: 10
Used Bytes: 27,603,456
Available Bytes: 5,414,912
Total Bytes: 33,018,368
Creation Date: 01/01/1904 00:09:42
Last Modified: 05/31/2002 08:20:54
Last Volume Backup: No Vol B/U
Write Count: 23,184
Drive Number: 8
Don Bruder - <--- Preferred Email - unmunged
I will choose a path that's clear: I will choose Free Will! - N. Peart