Subject: Re: overclocking and 64mb SIMMs
To: Tom Jernigan <>
From: John Klos <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/29/2002 23:17:39

> Some 64Meg simms may not work in a Q605. See:

I've read that. All of the 64 meg SIMMs I've tried work, but because of
this article, I waited to test them myself.

The 72 pin 64 meg SIMMs from Coast to Coast Memory are sold specifically
as Apple memory, and if you order the same item, it will work.

> Also, it says no 64Meg simms work in the Centris 610 or 650.

Well, I have heard about people using 64 and 128 meg SIMMs, so I will try
these SIMMs since they are readily available and cheap and see if they

John Klos
Sixgirls Computing Labs