Subject: Re: TCP/IP over Appletalk/Localtalk when running NetBSD?
To: dakidd <>
From: Hauke Fath <hauke@Espresso.Rhein-Neckar.DE>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/10/2002 13:27:23
At 17:28 Uhr -0700 9.5.2002, dakidd wrote:

[Q: NetBSD and tcp over localtalk; nice drawing snipped]

>So... Is there a way, short of writing my own localtalk driver (a rather
>daunting task...) for me to get the PowerBook back to being able to see the
>'net? As of right now, the only information I've been able to find
>regarding networking has been ethernet based. With this old monstrosity,
>that's not really a viable option (or is it? SCSI<-->Ethernet, perhaps? but
>that runs into $$ I don't have to spare...)

Getting a 2nd hand SCSI-Ethernet bridge would be the only way, I'm afraid.
IIRC, there is suport for at least one of them in NetBSD.

MacBSD does not do localtalk, nor do we support encapsulating ip in ddp


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