Subject: Re: wsconsctl doesn't work for me
To: Henry B. Hotz <>
From: Hauke Fath <hauke@Espresso.Rhein-Neckar.DE>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/29/2002 12:11:22
At 11:41 Uhr -0700 28.4.2002, Henry B. Hotz wrote:
>At 8:02 PM +0200 4/28/02, Stefan Witzgall wrote:
>>>"Früher Vogel fängt den Wurm"...   ;)
>>German readers of this list will know what you is meant.
>??  Someone fighting dragons?  ??
>Oh, well.

"Early bird catches the worm." -- German folklore isn't all about ancient
warriors slaying dragons, you know...   ;)

>>  >Huh? Interesting. I tend to avoid 'vi' like the plague, so others may tell
>>>you whether this is normal (in the context of 'vi' ;).
>>What editor should I use in your opinion?
>vi!  ;-)
>Your problem with the Q sounds like part of your keyboard problem.
>It shouldn't do that.
>Not to denigrate emacs, but the hardest and least documented aspect
>of it is how to get it configured, and the keys mapped in the first

??? Set TERM to a reasonable value, and the basic stuff (apart from
backspace/delete, probably) just works, like with vi.

>Since 99.9% of what you do with an editor is just move

While we are at it: I find that moving around with the cursor keys on
mac68k frequently inserts keys, as if vi had dropped part of the escape
sequence. Having to resort to 'hjkl' makes the vi experience even worse...

>look at stuff, and replace small pieces of text, I don't find
>the extra power it gives you compelling enough to get over the hump.
>vi, "just works" on every Unix system I've ever used.
>Having said that:  emacs, with it's configurable keys, may be easier
>to get working properly on your German keyboard than vi.  Kind of
>depends on where you want to push on the problem.

On an LCII (which contends with the Macintosh II for being the slowest
mac68k we support -- and probably wins) even vi will be slow. There is the
emacs-like 'jove' in the package system; it's a bit faster.

I have used Emacs 19.34 on an SE/30 for a long time, but even that took its
time to come up. So, if you haven't yet settled on an editor, even I'd
recommend going with vi, since it is available on any unix box you are
likely to find out there.


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