Subject: Re: wsconsctl doesn't work for me
To: Stefan Witzgall <>
From: Alexander Klein <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/29/2002 11:51:45
Hi Stefan,

At 6:15 Uhr +0200 28.04.2002, Stefan Witzgall wrote:

>So why does
>    wsconsctl -k -w encoding=de
>give an error, that something in some header file xyz.h isn't found instead
>of let me use a German keyboard?

In fact, some people once told me that this had worked for them, however,
it definitely never did for me, and so I just switched to X and installed
the prober Xmodmap. I like to have six xterms at once, anyway ... :)

>Is it a sideeffect that a have to type the uppercase Q in vi to get the
>colon to type something like :wq ? Of course now remembering that I a have
>to use my keyboard with the US layout.

The Q switches vi to ex mode. Usually, typing <ESC>: should be sufficient
to get you to the command-line. Are you sure you're hitting the right colon?

I wonder, if I am really the only one using vi ... it's such a cute editor,
once you've RTFM.

Best regards,
