Subject: Re: wsconsctl doesn't work for me
To: Stefan Witzgall <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/28/2002 11:41:19
At 8:02 PM +0200 4/28/02, Stefan Witzgall wrote:
>Hi Hauke,
>>"Fr=FCher Vogel f=E4ngt den Wurm"...   ;)
>German readers of this list will know what you is meant.

??  Someone fighting dragons?  ??

Oh, well.

>  >Stefan Witzgall wrote:
>>>     wsconsctl -k -w encoding=3Dde
>>>give an error, that something in some header file xyz.h isn't found inste=
>>Because there is no support in NetBSD/mac68k for switching key maps, yet.
>>Those who bother lack the knowledge to change this, and those who know
>>don't bother and use dt or X11 instead. This is a volunteer effort, after
>>all, and people decide for themselves what to work on.
>Should I conclude, that I should use dt? Hmm, and if I want to have a
>"clean and standard" Unix systems, that runs with the the usual found
>environment for such systems?
>Could please any other particiapant of this list say a word or two if there
>is any possibility to use a German keyboard and where I should and could do
>some work to make a progress?

=46or myself I neither bother (being a US user), nor have the knowledge 
(lacking the incentive).  I can tell you it has come up before and a 
list search may turn up some useful pointers to where to look in the 
source, though.

>  >Huh? Interesting. I tend to avoid 'vi' like the plague, so others may te=
>>you whether this is normal (in the context of 'vi' ;).
>What editor should I use in your opinion?

vi!  ;-)

Your problem with the Q sounds like part of your keyboard problem. 
It shouldn't do that.

Not to denigrate emacs, but the hardest and least documented aspect 
of it is how to get it configured, and the keys mapped in the first 
place.  Since 99.9% of what you do with an editor is just move 
around, look at stuff, and replace small pieces of text, I don't find 
the extra power it gives you compelling enough to get over the hump. 
vi, "just works" on every Unix system I've ever used.

Having said that:  emacs, with it's configurable keys, may be easier 
to get working properly on your German keyboard than vi.  Kind of 
depends on where you want to push on the problem.

Good luck.

>  >This should have been safe.  =3D8/
>>reboot(8) crashing the machine is a bug. Please collect available data
>>(including the stack trace that you get from a 't <return>' at the debugge=
>>prompt) and file a bug report with send-pr.
>Okay, I will try to if I can give an useful report. Reproducable, ...

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