Subject: Installer not configuring fstab correctly?
To: None <>
From: Edward Seth Miller <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/05/2002 20:56:49
Greetings, all!
It's been a long time since I posted here, and a long time since I
did anything with NetBSD (I dug my machine out of the closet, and the
kernel was 1.2 GENERICSBC #32), but I recently started working on getting
things running again. I built a whole new system on different drives than
I'd used before, and in the process, I ran into a problem which I think I
shouldn't have.
I configured my drives so that my root is at sd0a, swap at sd1b,
and usr at sd1g. However, when Installer made fstab, it put swap at sd0b.
I remember that this used to be a problem with older Installer versions,
but I used 1.1h, so I would think I shouldn't have a problem. Is this a
known error, or did something get rebroken?
On a totally different topic, is Puma still being maintained? I
saw some things there which hadn't been updated since 1997. Now, having
just changed that about my own box, I can't exactly say anything... :)
But if it's out of date, I think the links to it from (eg might need to be removed. As a
related issue, is the user survey working? I was unable to search it to
see if I'd put myself in there or not.
I'm not currently on the mailing list, so please cc me on any and
all replies. Thank you for any help!
-Seth Miller