Subject: Re: NetBSD mac68k ELF (was: Re: Kernel compile error)
To: Allen Briggs <>
From: Emile Schwarz <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/22/2002 18:50:49
Hi Allen et. al.
It seems that - after all - I understoud (in a way) what ELF was.
Anyway, thank you Allen, now I know what ELF is. Your explanation is clear.
Have a nice day,
Allen Briggs wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 22, 2002 at 10:53:38AM +0100, Emile Schwarz wrote:
> > Is ELF “just a new way” to build NetBSD (and Unix/Linux stuff) ?
> I don't know if this will help, but...
> Computer programs are just binary data, at some level, but there are
> different kinds of data: program code, data, debugging information, etc..
> In order to make sense of the binary data, we have to arrange it somehow.
> The traditional way to do this in BSD systems is in a format called
> "a.out" -- it defines where the program code is, where the data is,
> where the first instruction of the program code is, and so forth.
> Another, more flexible and more widely used (now), format is ELF.
> Really, it shouldn't matter to you at all, except that you are moving
> from one format to another, and they're not quite compatible.
> -allen
> --
> Allen Briggs
> Quality NetBSD CDs, Sales, Support, Service
> NetBSD development for Alpha, ARM, M68K, MIPS, PowerPC, SuperH, XScale, etc...
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