Subject: NetBSD mac68k ELF (was: Re: Kernel compile error)
To: <>
From: Emile Schwarz <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/22/2002 10:53:38
Hi all,

at last, it seems that I’m not alone (on that subject).

Martin, see the document (html, < 20 KB) at:


I must confess that even after reading that document, “I’m still in the fog”.

Is ELF “just a new way” to build NetBSD (and Unix/Linux stuff) ?
and maybe only people with enough knowledge to program can (have to) understand ELF ?

Maybe I have to re-read the above URL’s document ?

Have a nice day,


Martin Espinoza wrote:
> Frederick Bruckman wrote:
>  > Martin Espinoza wrote:
> >>Is the linux compatibility known to be broken for mac68k? It's not like
> >>I really need it, though I do hate to do another 1h45m make depend :)
> >
> > For a.out, it certainly is broken. For ELF it may work. I haven't tried
> > it myself since the latest changes to compat/linux went in.
> How is ELF working on mac68k? And where can I find a document on going
> to ELF on mac68k?

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