Subject: Re: IIci netbsd update, mostly working...
To: None <>
From: Cameron Kaiser <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/21/2002 20:19:08
> > Still, I should think the GC would boot with acceleration turned off in the
> > control panel. Is acceleration on?
> Control panel? Which control panel is this of which you speak? There's 
> no option for it under monitors and I'm not aware of a control panel for 
> the card itself -- I've certainly never installed any support files for 
> it. It just plugged in and worked, on MacOS anyway. And that's from 
> 6.0.7 up to 7.5.3 :)

Oooer. The GC has a control panel that you can download from Apple that
enables QuickDraw acceleration (video paints are noticibly faster with it
on). The downside is that you are limited to System 7.0 and 7.1; it doesn't
seem to like higher System versions (either garbled screens or crashing
outright). My IIsi is unbearable without GC acceleration running.

If you don't have the control panel, the GC becomes a regular unaccelerated
24-bit video card. This bodes poorly since the card is not accelerated by
default -- meaning the card may just not be compatible with NetBSD in any
configuration yet.

----------------------------- personal page: --
 Cameron Kaiser, Point Loma Nazarene University *
-- If everyone is abnormal, then no one is. -----------------------------------