Subject: Re: IIci netbsd update, mostly working...
To: Big Bird <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/20/2002 17:17:12
At 7:01 PM -0600 3/20/02, Big Bird wrote:
>Martin Espinoza <> writes:
>< Big Bird wrote:
>< > Martin Espinoza <> writes:
>< > < I still have two issues with my IIci. One of them is the cnopen issue
>< > < during boot using the system console rather than serial.
>< > <
>< > < The other is that the kernel detects my video card, but it detects it as
>< > < 640x480. It's a mac two-page mono and AFAIK it only does 1152x864. The X
>< > < server loads and you can tell it's trying to do the right thing, but it
>< > < just doesn't go.
>< > <
>< > < I'm running the latest netbsd/mac68k snapshot and I have an Apple 8*24
>< > < GC hooked up to my mac two-page mono display. It actually does display
>< >
>< > Is this video card fully supported? Have you tried removing the card
>< > and using a monitor connected to the on-board video?
>< As per, this card is
>< supposedly "working" (IE, it's listed under working video cards.) I have
>You said that you had an 8*24 _GC_. The web page says that the 8*24 is
>working but the 8*24 GC is not working.
>The reason I asked it as a question rather than making a statement is
>that the web page is dated 2001/02/04, so I didn't know if the status
>had changed since.
>The 8*24GC is the accelerated version of the 8*24 and there may be
>problems with it for the same reason there may be problems with the
>Iifx and Q9x0.
I know we don't support the acceleration. I also thought we
supported the card in some basic, dumb, frame-buffer kind of mode.
That may only be at 640 by 480 though.
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