Subject: Re: Portrait mono display
To: NetBSD/mac68k <>
From: Iggy Drougge <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/07/2002 17:39:58
Andy Ball skrev:

  ID>> BTW, does anyone have the pinout for Sigma Design's Pageview
>    > monitors? They use a D9 connector at the monitor.

>I'm glad you mentioned pinouts.  The person supplying my portrait
>display says it has an 'odd' connector (and he's fairly familiar with
>Mac displays).  I've read something that suggested there were two
>variants of the portrait mono display adaptor, with two different
>connectors.  I would really like to know the pinouts for both of these
>in case I have to make my own adaptor cable. I tried searching for the
>Pageview pinout for you, so far without success.

The Apple portrait display uses a 13W3 (or really a 13W1), like so many
workstation monitors. It's a DB25 size shell with 13 pins of the usual kind
and 3 (1 in this case) small coax connectors.
If you're in the EU and need the cable, I think I can find one for you.
As for the variant connectors, I'm not certain.

En ligne avec Thor 2.6a.

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                              - det är det enda reciproka pronomen vi har.