Subject: Re: Is it really faster?
To: None <>
From: Michael Lorenz <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/06/2002 10:24:24
Hi there,

>I have a Performa 475 right now. Swapped the processors (took the 68040 
>from a Quadra 700). However the P475 has less memory, 8Mb instead of 
>68Mb in my Q700, but it is really flying! Can someone explain to me why 
>it is much more faster than a Q700?
Well, the Q700's internal video sucks badly, my Quadra got nearly twice as fast just by adding a PDS video board. The picture quality is MUCH better too. It does 24 bit faster than the internal 
video did 8 bit.
Ok, that isn't fair since the board in question is a miroRAINBOW GX for which you had to bring money in buckets to buy one and that isn't even supported by miro anymore :-(

habe fun