Subject: Re: IP over SCSI, possible?
To: Richard Massey <>
From: David A. Gatwood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/23/2002 19:53:23
On Sat, 23 Feb 2002, Richard Massey wrote:

> I've never actually seen one.
> I'm prepared to bet a years pay that NetBSD does NOT support these devices,
> however if you can get one for a Mac that will only run MacOS then that is
> another story.

Well, you'd be about 95% right.  At one time, either NetBSD or Linux
halfway supported the Cabletron SCSI/Ethernet adapters... I think it was
NetBSD, and it was done with a userland program.  It -might- still
work....  Yeah, right.  :-)

About 95% of the SCSI/Ethernet adapters, though, are Asante interfaces,
which at last count were completely unsupported and undocumented.


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