Subject: Re: compatible LC-PDS ethernet cards?
To: NetBSD/mac68k <>
From: Iggy Drougge <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/21/2002 19:11:35
Kris Jones skrev:

>According to the hardware status page
>it seems like cards based on the DP83902AV and DP83902AVLJ chipsets work.
>(Who is the manufacturer of this chipset? )

National Semiconductor.

>Asante MacCon-i LC Q630? - DP83902AV current
>Asante MacCon LCIII LCIII - DP83902AV current
>Farallon EtherWave LC Q630? LCII DP83902AVLJ current

>Anybody have any first-hand experience with a working LC-PDS ethernet card?
>In a Q605? In an LC-series?

Two out of three cards I've tried have worked. All were recognised, but I seem
to recall that the Dayna (with a lot of buffer RAM) didn't work.

En ligne avec Thor 2.6a.

Keine Grenze verlockt mehr zum Schmuggeln als die Altersgrenze.
--- Robert Musil