Subject: Re: Another Newbie Question...
To: Peter H. Froehlich <>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/08/2002 16:36:57
> What is the latest MacOS version that I can run on a Quadra 840AV
> (or a Quadra 800, the other machine I have) and where do I get it?

	Mac OS 8.1 is the latest. Try eBay?

> I would rather start with a "clean install" of MacOS
> that is as small as possible.

	Aah, then you definately don't want the latest MacOS,
as it isn't the smallest.

* The oldest MacOS supported by these pachines is MacOS 7.1
  (with System Enabler 088 v1.0 for the 840av,
   and System Enabler 040 v1.0 for the 800).

* You can download 7.5 from here:

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