Subject: Booting without MacOS (yet again)
To: NetBSD mac68k port list <>
From: Nyef <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/31/2002 22:02:54
Hello all.
I finally got it all put together, loading a compressed 1.5.1 kernel file
from an FFS floppy without MacOS started on my SE/30 (thanks to libsa and
libz). Unfortunately, it doesn't work and I haven't been able to figure
out why not (either it locks up when jumping to the kernel or I got the
video information wrong).
Anyway, what I have so far is up in the usual place ( ) as macboot6.tgz. If anyone can
figure out what's going wrong I'd be interested to know.
All programming can be viewed as an exercise.
Alastair Bridgewater