Subject: Re: openssh- package
To: Tom Jernigan <>
From: John Klos <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/15/2002 15:06:59

> I'm trying to install the latest version of openssh from source on my
> Q650. The package info on the web indicates that the only requirement
> is perl-5.6.1nb6 which I successfully installed from source. However,
> I can't get openssh to install. It says it's missing
> ../../deve./zlib/ When I try to install zlib, I get the
> message that zlib is not available on mac68k. I took a look thru the
> Makefile and this is the 3rd to the last line:
> .include "../../devel/zlib/"

Well, that should be in there. I don't know what it's called
for, but it's a part of the pkgsrc tree.

You have a few options - one, fix / update your pkgsrc tree. Either get a
new pkgsrc.tar.gz:

Better for later, set up sup. There are docs for easily setting up sup on
the web site. The best thing about sup is that when you want to update the
tree later, you just run sup -s as root and it only downloads the files
that have changed since the last time you ran sup.

In a nutshell: create a file, /etc/supfiles/coll.list and put this in:

current release=pkgsrc hostbase=/ftp/pub \
base=/usr prefix=/usr backup use-rel-suffix compress delete

Then run sup -s (or sup -s -v if you want to watch the download).  It'll
take overnight, since the first time it runs it downloads everything.

Best (at least in my opinion) would be to set up sup and get the latest
release-1-5 source tree. NetBSD now has OpenSSH 3.0.2 in the source tree,
so you won't have to worry about having an older ssh and a newer ssh
package at the same time. If you wanted to do this,  put this into

release-1-5 release=allsrc hostbase=/ftp/pub \
base=/usr prefix=/usr backup use-rel-suffix compress

and run sup -s.

Because ssh is a processor hog, you probably want to compile it with
processor optimisations. If so, put this into your /etc/mk.conf:

When sup is done, cd /usr/src and make build. Come back two days later,
and you'll have a sparkling new tree of the latest stable binaries, all
optimised for your processor, as well as OpenSSH 3.0.2.

John Klos
Sixgirls Computing Labs