Subject: RE: Imaging.
To: None <>
From: Donald Lee <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/02/2002 01:57:48
If you want to restore a drive, I would suggest that you consider
using dump/restore rather than tar.  tar has some quirks, like
device files, empty directories, and permissions that make it
not a good match for "imaging".  dump/restore, although balky,
are built specifically for this task.


>On Wed, 2002-01-02 at 00:05, Paul Thompson wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I guess what I was wanting to do is make my own "base.tgz" in fact that's
>> what I called it, I want to burn it to a CD, if I want to remake the machine
>> for some reason, I can use the standard mac tools to build the MacOS stuff,
>> Once I've got it booting, I can then use the "hacked" Apple HD SC, to make
>> the disk partitions, then use the MKFS tool to format them, then use the
>> Installer to push my version of base.tgz onto the machine.
>> I assume that the making the standard base.tgz must be documented somewhere,
>> I would like to get hold of that information so I can replicate it for my
>> version of base.tgz.
>> Does this make some form of sense? I'm not trying to package the
>> partitioning or boot blocks.
>> I've got a spare disk floating around, I might just test my theory.
>> Cheers, Paul.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:
>> []On Behalf Of Don Yuniskis
>> Sent: Wednesday, 2 January 2002 6:00 p.m.
>> To:; 'MacBSD'
>> Subject: Re: Imaging.
>> Greetings!
>> >I've got my NetBSD server pretty much set up how I want it now, What I
>> >would like to do is make a TAR image of the box.
>> >
>> >What I would like to know is, If I tar and gzip the / partition, can I use
>> >the installer to push the setup directly back onto the box should it
>> >"hose" itself? What are the implications of doing this?
>> >
>> >Anyone done this?
>> If you mount an MFS as /, you can disklabel, newfs, etc.
>> your (hosed) disk.  Then, mount it at, e.g., /mnt...
>>     cd /mnt
>>     tar xzpf /wherever_your_tarball_resides (e.g., /dev/mt0)
>> Note that the tarball won't include the boot blocks.  So,
>> you will need to reinstall them (assuming your drive was
>> *completely* hosed) before you could reboot to it.
>> Have I forgotten anything?
>> *Ouch!*  This is netbsd-mac68k... I'm not sure how you
>> deal with the damn MacOS "boot partition"  :-(  I wonder if
>> it isn't easier to just do a SCSI copy to restore the entire
>> drive (including the MacOS partition)...?
>> --don