Subject: Re: Packages to have.....
To: NetBSD/mac68k <>
From: Iggy Drougge <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/25/2001 07:39:32
Mark Benson skrev:

>I have just started out with NetBSD 1.5 and want to know what the
>generally accepted base installation is. I have an ABSOLUTELY raw
>system installation using only the 7 or so packages listed in
>Matthew Theobald's install guide, plus BASh, TCSh (cause I use it
>in OS X), and the required libraries for BASh (libtool-
>base.1.4.2... and gettext). A list of 'nice to have packages' would
>be good, but go Easy I only have about 200MB left.

I can't see any packages listed in his guide, only two alien programs (nano
and screen). I suppose you mean the installation sets.
Well, you'll need a good editor, so install pico or nano (haven't tried nano,
but if it's a pico clone, I suppose it's good). And a good mailer, so install
Pine, which includes pico. That takes care of the editor problem. Lynx is a
bit on the heavy side, but could be quite useful, not in the last until you
get X up and running (which hasn't been difficult on mac68k in my experience).
I can't really find anything genuinely useful on my main BSD machine

For a browser, I run Mosaic, which, in a word, is awful. Is there anything
better which would run on mac68k?

En ligne avec Thor 2.6a.

"Wer nichts zu sagen hat, sagt es auf Englisch."
(-Walter Krämer, bezügl. Anglizismen.)