Subject: SUCCESS! and more questions ( was Re: Info Sources for sysinst/68k?)
To: Matthew <>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/30/2001 10:32:22
Well, I just installed last night using sysinst and I can say with a high
level of certainty that as far as I'm concerned sysinst should be the
preferred method. Install went approximately 6 times faster than if I had
used the MacOS installer. File copies were MUCH faster using sysinst. I
already had my disk partitioned so I didn't have to worry about using
sysinst to partition. Also, I no longer encountered the ttyE0 problem when
booting into multi-user.

I am VERY pleased with sysinst compared to the MacOS installer. I want to
thank Bob Nestor for making that install document available.

So now I have two other questions -

1) How do I define my default gateway? I've seen documentation refer to
/etc/mygate, but that file doesn't appear to be installed with m68k 1.5.2.

2) Terminal settings are wonky when telnetting into this box. It looks like
all the ttys are configured at vt220, but there's something strange going
on with the carriage returns/line feed configuration. I generally use Terra
Term at work for telnet and ssh - I set it to expect CR+LF at the end of
lines and that makes NetBSD sessions behave better with Terra Term set to
vt100, vt102, or vt320... but then going into Linux boxes or Cisco gear I
get a strange effect where each new character causes a new line with my
input appended to appear. Reminds me of BASIC word art. Any suggestions on
what I can do to make NetBSD behave more like other terminals?

I'm trying to RTFM, but sometimes I run into circumstances where the FMs
aren't consistent with one another.

thanks much,

                    <mtheobalds@m        To:                      
          >              cc:                              
                                         Subject:     Re: Info Sources for sysinst/68k?              
                    01:07 PM                                                                         

On Thursday, November 29, 2001, at 03:17  pm, wrote:

> Googling through the archives I noticed that the MacOS installer isn't
> always the preferred method for setup, that many are of the opinion that
> sysinst is a better option. If sysinst is covered in the Install
> document
> or any of the install guides I saw, I must have missed it. Can anybody
> point to me installation instructions for NetBSD 68k which cover
> sysinst?
> FAQs? Manpages?
> Thanks much.

Hello Carl,

Bob Nestor has the installation notes on his FTP site
<>, maybe we should get them linked
from the main page? You may also want to have a read through any of the
other Ports' guides (i386, for example), since they cover sysinst and on
the whole, it's fairly similar.

As yet though, sysinst it isn't the 'preferred' method, hence the
apparent lack of enthusiasm for it.

All the best,

~ Matthew