Subject: Re: Info Sources for sysinst/68k?
To: Eric J. Feldhusen <>
From: Bob Nestor <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/29/2001 21:24:04
On 11/29/01 3:23 PM, Eric J. Feldhusen ( wrote:
>Following the installation notes, I wasn't able to get 1.5.2 installed using
>sysinst on a dedicated external hd, which I figured would make it easier,
>regarding partitions. I'd like to get a big 18GB or 36GB scsi drive for
>storage and serving, and from what I've read, doing partitioning with sysinst
>is the best way.
>On Thu, 29 Nov 2001 19:07:03 +0000
>> Bob Nestor has the installation notes on his FTP site
>> <>, maybe we should get them linked
>> from the main page? You may also want to have a read through any of the
>> other Ports' guides (i386, for example), since they cover sysinst and on
>> the whole, it's fairly similar.
>> As yet though, sysinst it isn't the 'preferred' method, hence the
>> apparent lack of enthusiasm for it.
I used an external 18Gig drive for testing when I was working on the
sysinstall code and didn't have any problems. The main lack of enthusiam
for sysinstall has been a problem of getting it to reprocess the updated
Apple Disk Partition Map after writing it. To get this working a kernel
patch was needed that didn't go in until after the 1.5.2 release. It is
still possible to use sysinstall to install 1.5.2 though. After
partitioning the disk just reboot the system, but on the second execution
of sysinstall don't change the disk paritioning. Instead just proceed
with the installation using the exisiting partitions. I think you'll
find that they are the ones you defined in the first pass.