Subject: Quadra 840AV
To: None <>
From: Ryan La Riviere <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/28/2001 17:34:53
I have a Quadra 840AV I can donate from the school.
If possible, I'd like to make sure it helps increase the support for the machine.
I'm currently trying to install NetBSD and OpenBSD on them (each OS is giving me a different problem; NetBSD is giving me the panic: no init problem that many on the list over the years have talked about but no real solution; OpenBSD is giving me MACE networking setup doesn't want to accept any media type in /etc/hostname.mc0).
I really don't care which BSD I install, I just need to be able to install a BSD (for serving purposes...and if really possible as LabVIEW stations for students to be able to do remote labs (preferably with GPIB support which National Instruments should already have some support for)). NetBSD seems to be slightly further ahead as far as support so you may have a better chance of increasing support.
I might even be able to donate 2...maybe...
Mr. Ryan La Riviere
System Administrator
Drexel University; College of Engineering
The Drexel Engineering Curriculum
Philadelphia, PA 19104
hp: <>
w: 215.895.6010