Subject: Re: I've got ELF - new snapshot
To: Space Case <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/26/2001 22:54:57
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On Mon, Nov 26, 2001 at 06:13:20PM -0800, Space Case wrote:
> There is probably a way to cross-compile from a m68k ELF platform, but
> I wouldn't know about that... :(

In a completely theoretical sort of way, any NEW_TOOLCHAIN-enabled
port should be able to make a mac68k (or any m68k) ELF build.
release is a little touchier. (Install media becomes an issue; I
just did a full macppc build successfully on i386 the other night...
and tripped over the fact that vnconfig doesn't do on i386 what
you want it to do for macppc.)

Ideally, someone would try that, have it break, and see what's
wrong. That someone could easily be me (I'd like to fix macppc
first, though, since I've got more of them), but I'm in the last
two weeks of (what will hopefully be) my last undergrad semester
right now, so...

       ~ g r @

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