Subject: NFS Setup
To: MacBSD <>
From: Brian Heath <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/20/2001 23:35:19
I'm trying to setup an NFS server on my NetBSD machine and am not
having much luck at the moment. It seems like I have many of the pieces,
I just can't quite make them fit together properly. Could someone give me
a quick checklist on how to setup a server? This are the steps I've
performed so far...
1) Add some lines to the /etc/exports file.
2) Run rpcbind
3) Run mountd
4) Run nfsd -tun 4
Am I missing something, am I doing things out of order? Are there other
files I need to setup? Or is there something that needs to be in my
rc.conf file? I saw something in all the searching I've been doing about
running portmap. But I don't have any portmap on my machine. Is that a
P.S. I'm running NetBSD 1.5.2 with the Generic kernel and trying to
connect to it from a Mac OS X machine.
Man I hate being clueless!