Subject: Re: TTY not configured
To: Ben Jansen <>
From: Randy Beaudreault <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/07/2001 22:28:51
>Hello all,
>I'm new to the BSD experience in general. Please be gentle. :)
>I just installed NetBSD on a Quadra 650. rc.conf is configured the way I
>want it and it's getting into the multiuser boot.
>Then it outputs this error:
>getty[200]: /dev/ttyE0: Device not configured
>I've searched the various FAQs and howtos for anything about needing to
>configure TTYs, but I didn't find anything..
>Can anyone help?
Are you using the 1.1h Installer? Another way is to check out
Matthew Theobald's install at the web site,
Randy Beaudreault
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