Subject: Re: Xmac68k_color
To: Paul B. Lorah <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/09/2001 20:38:55
On Tue, 9 Oct 2001, Paul B. Lorah wrote:
> I've been successfuly using Xmac68k_color on my Quadra 650 (with
> upgraded VRAM) running at 16bpp. All of the sudden, it stopped working.
> No clues from the Xserver's output... where can I start looking for
> problems? I tried lower color/greyscale levels, even the default
> monochrome server, but it won't startx.
Have you tried rebooting? Occasionally the server dies, leaving the
graphics device still open. You can either delete and re-create the
device, or reboot. If that's not it, no idea.
> Also, even with a kernel with OPTIONS UCONSOLE and running xconsole,
> AfterStep writes messages to the screen and messes up all the graphics,
> any way to get rid of it?
I guess you have to redirect the output of afterstep to a file. You're
using "startx"? I never had that problem with "xdm" -- "xdm" redirects
all output of the window/session manager and all it's children to
> It appears from list archives and the FAQ that sound is supported in
> NetBSD/mac68k. Can anyone suggest software that could allow me to try
> it out? Thanks.
There were a couple of little programs posted to the list in May 1998
by Colin Wood and SUNAGAWA Keiki, to get beeps and tones out of the
easc device (which you have). AFAIK work stalled on completing the
glue to the MI audio device, which you would need to run the typical,
portable sound programs -- mp3 players and the like.
You could probably get "xmcd" to play an audio CD, if you run the
audio output right to a set of powered speakers. There are also
platform agnostic network sound systems, like "nasd" and "rplayd", but
for those you need at least one machine that fully supports audio.
I've gotten festival (speech synthesis) to work on the 840 AV, to
another box running "nasd".