Subject: Re: In kernel PPPOE success report
To: Edvard Lauman <>
From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?R=E9mi_Zara?= <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/03/2001 23:52:02
Le mercredi 3 octobre 2001, =E0 11:37, Edvard Lauman a =E9crit :
> how do set this up? i've been wanting in-kernel pppoe for a while, and=20=
> i was
> even going to write it myself, but due to lack of time (i got a =
> engineering job now) and lack of development machine, i didn't get=20
> around to
> it. I have a macIIx with two or three ethernet cards in it, and i'd=20
> love to
> set this up. i'd be most gratefull for any info anyone can provide.
It's quite simple.
Get a -current distro.
compile a kernel with:
pseudo-device pppoe
(you will need, which is not in the last snapshot, but is=20=
in 1.5)
then create one or more pppoe interface:
ifconfig pppoe create
and the read man pppoectl for details on connecting.
You have to set the default route yourself
You can also wait a little to let Martin Husemann commit some tools and=20=
more documentation, which he said he was about to do.
Good luck (it flies !)
Is there a reason we don't have softintr ?
Martin told me it would make in-kernel pppoe more efficient, and allow=20=
support for bridging (not related to pppoe).
R=E9mi Zara