Subject: Re: "double lines"
To: Cameron Kaiser <>
From: Cameron Kaiser <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/25/2001 21:49:50
> One thing that might be of interest was when the system was "quiet" it
> did have an overnight uptime and probably longer if I had let it. It's only
> when I start thrashing the disk with the kernel compile that it goes wacky.
> Might this be a symptom for which I should consider using the SBC kernel?
Well, after tonight now I'm quite sure that prolonged disk/SCSI access
is the problem. I booted it up at 6am this morning, stuffed it full of
processes to make it twaddle, and went to work. Wasn't swapping, by the
way, had plenty of memory. Came back at 8pm and it was still chugging away.
Did a 'make depend' in the kernel source directory and within 10 minutes it
had crashed again with the same weird vertical lines. [If I had an infinite
number of these systems crashing an infinite number of times, they would
generate all the world's great literary works in 3 of 9 barcode.]
So, opinions? It would be a bit inconvenient for me to use the SBC kernel
unless I have to, so what do people think? Does this sound like an
indication for it?
----------------------------- personal page: --
Cameron Kaiser, Point Loma Nazarene University *
-- Murphy's Law is recursive. Washing your car to make it rain doesn't work. --