Subject: Re: Anybody have a link to the pre-compiled 1.5.1 packages?
To: None <>
From: Matthew Theobalds <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/21/2001 09:24:52
On Friday, July 20, 2001, at 09:27 pm, John wrote:
> After this is done, I will be setting up a cluster of Quadra 605s to
> build
> any updated and new packages.
Are these supported?
I have just been offered a Performa 475 which appears to be a Quadra
605, I'll take it, if NetBSD works on it. (I'll take it anyway, since
NetBSD will work one day, I'm sure...)
The 605 doesn't appear in the supported hardware section of the
Installation Notes with the 1.5.1 release.
Of course, if you have working machines, that's quite different, but if
you could let me know either way.
All the best.