Subject: Re: cc fatal signals
To: None <>
From: Matthew Theobalds <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/11/2001 07:44:58
On Wednesday, July 11, 2001, at 02:37 am, gabriel rosenkoetter wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 10, 2001 at 11:55:10PM +0100, Matthew Theobalds wrote:
>> So what happens to the rest? The Mac OS can presumably use it, why not
>> NetBSD? This is a genuine question, it's difficult to phrase 'nicely'.
> NetBSD *is* using it. For the kernel data structures it uses to keep
> track of the memory it exports to the user level system, of the file
> system, of the IP stack, and so forth.
> It's available. It's being used. It's just not available to user
> level processes (as opposed to kernel level, NOT as opposed to
> root--root is a user in this context).
Right! That occurred to me last night. I wasn't sure whether or not the
kernel could free up the memory it was using. This is of course the case.
>> That's what I've been doing. ;]
> Heh. Yes, I see your problem. ;^>
> If you want a pruned kernel, I probably have a 68k machine around I
> can build one on to get things to a useable state.
That's a kind offer, it's still churning away nicely now I've just got
up. And the top is off so he's running nice and cool. Fortunately, I got
up before the sun poured through the window to fry him... he's now in
the shade. But we'll see how this goes, and then I'll get back to you.
> In the long run, you definitely want more RAM, though.
Definitely agreed. I'll keep my eyes open.
Thanks, all the best.