Subject: Re: best way 4 accurate date
To: John <>
From: glenbo <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/10/2001 23:01:44
the only things that may be of interest in this case are that I was
running 'sup -s -v' (for the first time. it was taking all day), and that
I think the internal clock battery may be dead. Which I didn't think would
be an issue as long as I didn't unplug the machine.
The 5 minutes per quarter hour was a conservative estimate. I noticed the
problem when I checked the time and it was 90 minutes behind! Even with
ntpdate being called via cron hourly. I guess that makes sense if cron
called it on the hour and if it takes progressively longer to reach that
hour mark. 8)
01100111 01101100 01100101
01101110 01100010 01101111
On Wed, 11 Jul 2001, John wrote:
> Hello,
> > I understand the problems old macs have with losing time as described in
> > the FAQ, I just didn't think it would be this bad. I have a quadra 840av.
> > I set up a cron to run hourly with ntpdate:
> > 0 * * * * /usr/sbin/ntpdate -s
> You really should look for a stratum 2 server, as those stratum 1 servers
> are really only intended for updating stratum 2 servers. With accuracy of
> your clock as off as it is, I don't think the difference will ever be
> noticeable.
> You're welcome to use mine: and/or
> > I still noticed that my time was way off the closer I reached the top of
> > the hour. I upped the cron time to run every 15 minutes. Watching the
> > syslog it appears I lose more than 5 minutes per quarter hour. Is that
> > normal? Does it depend on system load?
> Five minutes per hour?!? I've not seen a Mac that far off - not even my
> Q840AV was that bad.
> I did notice that on most of my Macs the amount of correction did become
> more consistent if I run something - as if idle time screws up time more
> than non idle. So I run the client on all of my m68k Macs.
> There's even a separate listing for NetBSD/m68k (if you run OGR):
> > I didn't really want to run ntpd, but would I be better off doing that? I
> > don't want to ntpdate every minute, but I would like to have decently
> > accurate time. I'm curious what other people do to maintain accurate time.
> I've heard that some systems won't run ntpd if the time is off too much -
> that ntpd gets confused or something. Anyone else care to speak of
> experiences of running ntpd on machines with really screwed clocks?
> John Klos