Subject: Re: ADB problems with -current
To: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
From: Bob Nestor <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/04/2001 11:20:19
>On Wed, Jul 04, 2001 at 10:58:48AM -0500, Bob Nestor wrote:
>> It was reported yesterday on macppc by a new user attempting to install
>> on an iBook2. ADB and USB haven't worked on my B&W G3 since right after
>> the 1.4.2 release.
>Oh yeah, that's different.
>So far as I know, no OF 3.x machine's ADB works properly, nor has it
>for quite some time. That shouldn't be related to problems with
>mac68k, I don't think, but I could be mistaken. (mac68k machines are
>far more likely to be similar to the 6500 I know works than to an
>iBook2. ;^>)
>Does ADB work in -current for mac68k, but not in netbsd-1-5?
Well, as the Subject line says "ADB problems with -current". :)
As for working with 1.5, most of the package binaries posted were either
created on my system running 1.5 or on John Klos's system(s). So yes,
ADB works fine under 1.5.
Historically the mac68k port had some difficutly with Cuda support. When
John Wittkoski was originally doing the ADB-Direct implementation my
system was one of the few that gave him fits. I ended up shipping the
entire system to him for one summer so he could get the code working
before it became the default method of support for ADB in the mac68k port.