Subject: Re: PowerBook 165C
To: David C. Hacker, DVM <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/01/2001 13:48:58
On Sun, Jul 01, 2001 at 11:46:42AM -0500, David C. Hacker, DVM wrote:
> Well I went in as single user and ran MAKEDEV all and then rebooted and
> everything works fine. I am installing x packages now. Thanks for all the
> help. Does anyone now if you can use the Asante EN/SC ethernet to scsi
> apapter with NetBSD 1.5? This is my only network access with this system.
> Also do you know if 1.5 recognizes an internal modem in a powerbook? I have
> the Global Village Platinum for Powerbook 100 series 28.8 kps modem. Thanks
> in advance
I wouldn't know without tinkering, but you could check the dmesg
output to see.
(Just the fact that dmesg didn't initialize isn't necessarily the
nell of death, though... it might be possible to flip a few switches
in your kernel compile and have things work.)
~ g r @