Subject: NetBSD 1.5 on PowerBok 165C
To: None <>
From: David C. Hacker, DVM <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/01/2001 08:38:25
I was able to install NetBSD 1.5 on my PowerBook 165C. It booted up in
single user mode and I edited /etc/rc.conf to say rcconfigured=yes and put
I then rebooted and it when through the whole startup process but then it got
to the very end and I got this line.
Jul 01 08:35:10 CDT 2001 PowerBook165C getty [174]: /dev/ttyE0: No such file
or directory
The boot stopped there and never gave me a login prompt. Any ideas? I would
really like to get NetBSD up and running. I had the same problem when
installing on my IIci. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
David C. Hacker, DVM
923 B St. #32
Schuyler, NE 68661
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