Subject: Problems booting 1.5 on a Quadra 700
To: None <>
From: Rafael Hinojosa <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/15/2001 09:26:52
Hello everyone, 

I'm wondering if you all can provide me with some leads as to where I've
gone wrong with this install.  Its a fairly new install of NetBSD 1.5 for
the mac68k.  The machine is a Quadra 700 with about 20Mb of RAM.  I'm
using a 40Mb Swap partition, a 500Mb Usr & Root partition, and a rather
small partition for MacOS.  

One of the initial questions I have is, does it matter if partitions are
formatted for either UNIX filesystem or AU/X?  I don't recall what type I
initially formatted the drives for, but I did run Mkfs to convert them to
proper BSD filesystems.  That might be the root of my problem.  

So, I've got this fresh new install (even remembered to make the devices).
Sometimes, when I boot to NetBSD using the booter I get nothing.  No
console text output, to text, nothing, just a white screen.  Other times,
booting will work, to some extend as you will later read.

One time, the machine hung on probing the adb bus (adb0).  It might be
due to the fact that the Quadra 700 has 2 adb ports, and that I was using
both of them.

Most of the time, when I manage to start booting, I get so far as:


boot device: sd0
root on sd0a dumps on sd0b
PRAM: 0x3afce537, macos_boottime: 0x3afce52d
root file system type: ffs
panic: cnopen: cn_tab->cn_dev == NODEV

Stopped in init at 		_cpu_Debugger+0x6:		unlk	a6
db> continue
syncing disks... done
NetBSD/mack68k doesn not turst itself to update the RTC on shutdown.

dumping to dev 4,1 offset 39054
dump 1 ... 19 


Then the machine just reboots.  After the reboot, I try it again.  This
time though I use the trace <?> command in the debugger to try to get
more information.  I have some clue of what is going on, but I've
misplaced my mac68k decoder ring.  Here is what I get.


Stopped in int at		_cpu_Debugger+0x6:		unlk	a6
db> t
_cpu_Debugger(ffffffff,0,825640,1ccf20,83ddac) +6
_panic(1ac425,0,83ddf0,6872a,0) + 60
_cnopen(0,3,2000,825640,0) + 22
_spec_open(83de14) + 136
_vn_open(83dee8,3,0) + 31a
_sys_open(825640,83df88,83df80) + 92
_syscall(5) + 144
_trap0() + e
db> n
After 1 instructions (0 loads, 0 stores),
Stopped in int at 		_cpu_Debugger+0x8:		rts
_panic(1ac425,0,83ddf0,6872a,0) + 8
_cnopen(0,3,2000,825640,0) + 22
_spec_open(83de14) + 136
_vn_open(83dee8,3,0) + 31a
_sys_open(825640,83df88,83df80) + 92
_syscall(5) + 144
_trap0() + e


The numbers are the same, over and over again.  I'm not exactly sure what
other debugger command to issue.  If I tell it to continue, it reboots and
I'm back to square one.  

If any of you can provide any information, or further steps that I should
take to try and retrieve more information, I'd like to know.  If you can
think of anything at all please do let me know.  

oh, and since I'm not subscribed to the list could you please either Cc
the list, or me.  

Thank you very much.


Rafael A. Hinojosa